"We can't wait to see you at our next show!"- Billy

Get the New Album “HYSTERIA” by Billy Jeter 

 Produced by Jason Weinheimer for HOUSE ON FIRE RECORDS

Available HERE now on Vinyl LP and Compact Disc


Billy Jeter

Jeter is focused on telling stories, like the enigmatic Orion with its vivid and evocative imagery at the forefront” - Garth Thomas

Hollywood Digest


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Delta blues, juke joint boogie, Bo Diddley hooch fuzz, with a cast of three dimensional ne’er-do-wells and confidence losers, lovers, drifters, and grounded dirt farmers. You have assembled a talented group with a highly believable sound. I can feel the grit between my toes.” - Marvin Schwartz

— We Wanna Boogie


“Delta blues, juke joint boogie, Bo Diddley hooch fuzz, with a cast of three dimensional ne’er-do-wells and confidence losers, lovers, drifters, and grounded dirt farmers. You have assembled a talented group with a highly believable sound. I can feel the grit between my toes.”

Marvin Schwartz